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Prepaid balance is unavailable

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

For the last week I've been unable to get my prepaid balance from the dashboard, Prepay Blance Check shows - Current Credit : £0.00.  I also can't get the information from my account, it shows - Sorry, we are not able to display your balance at the moment.  Please try again later.  I have tried again later, quite a few times, with no success.


I have a K3565 dongle and have updated the software to v 10.3.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


5: Helper
As far as I concerned these facilities have been unavailble for almost the last three weeks or so. I don't know whether this means we cannot top up our data when our current 30 days is up (mine expires next week).
If all fails I'm going over to BT Broadband as I am fed up with this nonsense.

2: Seeker
2: Seeker
I was getting the balance before this last week but it always took a few tries. I'm getting really annoyed about this, I know my balance its due to run out soon but I would like to know how much data I have left at the moment.

Vodafone, please get this issue sorted out.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

Hi m_eudal and welcome to the eForum


Thanks for your post here. I’m sorry to hear you are having problems with this.


So that we can look into this for you I’m going to send you a private message with instructions on how to contact us directly.


You can find your PM inbox here





Same problem August 2015. Log into the account on MyVodafone and no display of balance.

Not possible to know what my balance is, if I need to top etc.

Just hopeless service.


Shame because the network coverage is good.


Also why can't one use an overseas credit card? Many people who use Pay As You Go live overseas but travel often to UK. Why make it hard for them to spend money with you?


And why does your web site not show how much it costs per minute to make a call? If I top-up 30 Pounds, what do I get for my money? Conbined with the impossiblity of knowing your balance it is a shambles.


Something that Consumer Ombudsman should investigate.

Clicked on PM inbox and nothing there.

Just hopeless.



You don’t have a PM because we haven’t sent you one.


We’re unable to help with account specific queries on the eForum.


Please speak to our Live help team to get this sorted.