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New Firmware Update

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

There is a New Firmware update

Thanks for telling us Vodafone (No change there)

Now don't get to excited its a Bug fix Rom rolled out by Samsung so no Factory reset should be needed

unless your phone starts behaving funny (Third party app issues)

the Rom is still 4.4.2




Added: 2014-07-22

so whats new well the Finger print scanner is better less false pic ups

there has been memory tweeks and when in battery saver mode it shows a icon telling you its on


*** Be aware that you will get a warning saying you have swopped your sim ***

this is because they have tweak the modem driver

also it will install all the Vodafone Bloatware including the updates app which yet again seems to be not working

But the Big improvement is in the camera App there now is a option to set what he volume button does, were as before it just took a pic now it can take a pic or Video or set to Zoom

as for what else is on we will have to figure this out, Vodafone does no but chooses not to tell the eforum team for some stupid reason

The department that tests this gets a change log so they no what to test

for use its handy to no what in genaral has changed so we can choose to upgrade or not

****Remember to make sure you have done a back up and when using kies Leave this plugged in until it's updated and rebooted ****





4: Newbie

I noticed the weather app now shows max and min temps expected for the day, sure it didn't do that before.

4: Newbie
Also there is a tick when you use the finger print scanner to unlock, sure that is new?

4: Newbie
It seems to me when I use continuous input, that previously with auto spacing on, each word would remain highlighted with a line underneath so you could change the word if the predicted word was wrong. Now you have to turn auto spacing off for it to work! That seems a backward step to me

I use Swype keyboard so can't comment on that.

4: Newbie
I used to use that but then they began to charge. Only a small thing to remember to press the space bar, but I'm not in the habit yet!

Like i said before it would be nice if what has changed is posted

Now Before Vodafone says they don't have this, Yes they do

were all told that they test the firmware now on a major update yes but on interime ones they don't they get a List called a change log this shows what new and what been changed

Just the same way were told on apps

Vodafone testers get this info

so why not Post a whats new or whats coming

This means people can choose if they want the extra or fixes

instead were left looking and alot of Improvements get missed

and on some ocations Vodafone remove somthing they should not off

seems strange tho as some networks hinted they were rolling out 4.4.4 and not "L"

But these changes are welcome and they should of been there from the start

4: Newbie
I recieved the first 190mb update but never recieved the smaller one straight after that a lot of people have mentioned. I have similar codes as above and the release date on 'about' screen is 3rd july. Is this the latest one? Phone shows uts up to date when doing a manual search. Feels good and smooth tho

@zaahidkhan wrote:
I recieved the first 190mb update but never recieved the smaller one straight after that a lot of people have mentioned. I have similar codes as above and the release date on 'about' screen is 3rd july. Is this the latest one? Phone shows uts up to date when doing a manual search. Feels good and smooth tho

I only recived one, i'm not aware of a separate one

if you go into settings then about phone

the baseband Version should read G900FXXU!ANG2

I am still waiting to find out why this has not been rolled out OTA

Noing Samsung there probs trying to push kies again

If the above is not right were did you get the phone from ???

I also notice when posting pictures in apps like Theema / Facebook the "Cancel" "OK" options are now at the top of the screen. Previously they were at the bottom.