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IOS8 has wrecked my iPhone 5

3: Seeker
3: Seeker
Contacted Vodafone about this, getting zero traction off Apple- won't allow flashback to IOS7 now, not getting anywhere with Vodafone.

Someone is culpable for allowing a perfectly good premium phone to be transformed into a leggy crashing brick. It's not a case of caveat emptor, we are encouraged to install the latest OS , Apple, once you have taken that plunge dont want you to go back, instead they have made the iPhone 5 and lower obsolete and forcing those who are bought in to buy again.

Personally I refuse to buy the iPhone6, way too dear, but until my contract is up I'm stuck, 4 months to go, no sympathy off Vodafone

Anyone else in the same position.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

As it's an Apple update it would be outside of Vodafone's direct control. I had a similar problem when I upgraded iOS8 on my 4S. Apple's website mentioned this was supported but it caused a great deal of lagging / crashing, especially when powering back on (approx one minute of blank screen before the home screen reappeared). 


When I linked my 4S to iTunes the capacity bar on a 64GB model was well over the limit and in the red with what was classed as 'other' data (at least 20GB worth). I was moving to a 6 Plus anyway but eventually managed to improve the 4S performance by backing up, completely wiping the phone and restoring again via iTunes. Apple have also released further updates since which have resulted in a slight improvement to performance.

Vodafone customer since 2004. Attempting to help where I can on the Community

3: Seeker
3: Seeker
Agreed, 8.1.1 does address the lag somewhat, one issue I find debilitating is the keyboard not showing, or when it does about 5-10s lag. Apps crashing out to the home screen is frequent, hangs in Messages is a nuisance. The basics work, phone, mail, Safari albeit leggy, Spotify crashes which frustrates like hell as I pay a tenner a month for it. Audible works well though. Just frustrated, my company BlackBerry is more reliable.