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Suresignal was deregistered. Now re registered. Still randomly stops working

4: Newbie

I hope you allow me to keep this as a new message.

Previously I have had my new posts deleted. None of my posts are under my name so they are very hard to find!!!


I have done as it says in the title. There was a 2 day period of uselessness, then the box began working properly again as before, but seemingly better.  I did not post again as I did not want to speak too soon. 4 weeks into my new registration, I have to report that the box has dropped out about 5 times, but always come back.

I seem to have a further fault. This morning, (and this has now happened 3 times) I had a perfect 3g signal and the box lights were steady, yet the voice communication developed gaps. This was to a land line, so not a mobile prob the other end, so proving with this third similar fault that it IS the SS box causing the problem. To cap it all the SS box then disconnected completely. It returned after half an hour.

I have no problem with my BT broadband, but speeds are slightly low at ping 42ms, download 5mbps and upload 0.37mbps.


Can I now,  after more than 6 months posting on this forum, have an engineering test done by Vodafone on my line, with a full report and a SOLUTION given. PLEASE?






Yes thank you , but it has always worked SOME OF THE TIME.

What good is a system that drops out at random? for many hours?

I have spend scores of hours on this stupid thing and your team pay lip service to "helping" us consumers.

What I have needed for the last year is ONE customer advisor to communicate DIRECTLY with me by land line or email, rather than this wasteful crazy ad-hoc posting on a website!

What is wrong with normal Advisor-Customer telephone or email trouble shooting??? It's not as if Vodafone was short of cash!!

Please ask the head of your team to contact me directly.........You know my number.


....Until the next set of SS drop outs,



Hi Pryland,


I understand your frustration however the idea of a forum is for people to come together to offer help and support to each other.


Where other users are unable to help our customers the team will then intervene on a first come first serve basis for each customer who posts on here.


If it is that you wish to speak to someone directly regarding your issue, you can contact our technical teams directly through 191.


When it comes to the Sure Signal, there can be a number of things that can cause it to work intermittently including the Broadband setup and line quality.


From what we can see the box is still updating and connecting to the Sure Signal servers so there doesn’t appear to be any issues there.


Can I ask if you have an option for “Port Clamping” in your router admin panel?


If yes, please make sure that this is selected as we have seen a number of BT Infinity customers reporting that this resolves similar issues to what you are experiencing.


On a side, note, if the issue is intermittent then it would suggest and issue with the setup and the only way to test this would be to place the Sure Signal on a different ISP connection to see if the same this happens.


If not, we definitely know that it is an ISP issue and you will need to speak to your ISP directly regarding this.


If it still has issues then we arrange a warranty repair for the Sure Signal.

