22-09-2014 04:07 PM
So I have received what I can assume is my 'update' email a few moments ago.
It doesn't actaually contain much information about my order, it doesn't mention delivery dates or delays. It basically lists all the services I can use and a whole load of small print.
One thing in there though are my contract dates. It was previoauly stated that my contract started on September 12th, the day I pre-ordered, and the end date was September 12th 2016. However the new email says 17th October to 16th October 2016!
So that's over a months difference in date??!!
Can somsone confirm why this is? Is it to do with delivery dates per chance?
22-09-2014 04:14 PM
22-09-2014 04:16 PM
23-09-2014 02:28 PM