Someone from vodafone please just spend a small amount of time and take charge of my case with yourselves. Please just read what I say and help. I don't have it in me to ring 191 anymore, my brain has gone numb off the calls ive made.
I called 8 days ago, placed an order with a lovely helpful girl called Sarah - I ordered iphone 64gb gold - 48.50 a month 129 upfront - she knocked £99 off, great. £29 for phone and £48.50 monthly, she then asked did I know anyone who works for NHS which I do, she told me how to get 20% discount, which has been accepted, all great stuff, I was made up, she said I will have handset in 2-4 days at most 7 days.
I called yeaterday, apparently the order didn't go through, they have re submitted order and still nothing had happened, they said 1-2 weeks for the phone. He said call back tomorrow, I have, no update, they are saying call back tomorrow again. I'm losing patients? What on earth is happening??? Is the phone not available???
I'm offering to pay more, someone please handle my case and help, listen to me and speak to me! My brain is hurting 2 calls last week, 3 yesterday 1 today, I can't ring any more it's too painful! Please help! I want to be helped!!