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Broadband connection

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I had Vodafone fibre broadband 900 mob installed on Tuesday through city fibre , I still have a flashing red internet light , have spoken to various web agents and tech guys , still not working and now been passed on to network team ? Another 24 hours and this is getting cancelled. 



Hey @Billyc1888 I hope you're well and having a lovely day so far!

As we have no account access on the Community, please drop a message to our Social Media team here so they can look into this for you and get you an update on what is going on with your connection.

Hi, I’ve had better weeks , I’m on to day 6 without broadband , was told over 24 hours ago that within 24 hours I would br contacted and updated by the network team , unsurprisingly I am still waiting . 

I contacted your social media team , I am still awaiting a reply 🙄

we are now onto day 8 of no broadband , I have received a new router and this is not also connecting to the internet , the flashing red internet light continues.  

 Did you try phoning the dedicated UK based team (wifi experts) on 08080 034 515 (8am to 8pm) ?


They were very helpful when I had provisioning related issues. They need to check your ONT with CityFibre and also your router configuration etc. 

Hi thanks for reply , I have been on the phone every day to the tech team , I am fed up taking videos of the fibre box and router . It was passed back to city fibre yesterday afternoon  who are supposedly reconfiguring the fibre box and contacting me , this is another day wasted so far off work , no one has contacted yet , and I see there is only 3 lights on the fibre box , no doubt I will have  to contact Vodafone yet again , 9 days and counting !. 

I'm sorry it's taking so long, I had to be really persistent and not allow myself to be fobbed off with the 'leave it for 24 hours for it to activate' or 'minimum speed guarantee' etc.


The chaps on that phone number went the extra mile to phone CityFibre whilst I was on the line. CityFibre ran some checks to see if there were any issues their side before VF checked my router and found issues they needed to correct.


I hope you get somewhere, because once it's working it's great! Well, besides the recent twice a day reconnections I'm seeing but it's not causing me a huge issue anyway and I don't think it's a service wide issue affecting everyone else. 

Hi , thanks for letting me  know of your own experience . I will obviously need to phone Vodafone yet again. I am absolutely sick of it . Between city fibre and Vodafone the service has been appalling. 

I completely get it and hope my experience shows the level of service you should be expecting. Make sure they phone CityFibre to get them to do all the necessary checks whilst you are on - no fobbing you off with making you wait days for them to do what they could do in minutes! Then VF can focus on doing their checks after that. 


I did have to hard reset the ONT as well as the router for things to improve before I finally turned off the wifi boosters to restore wifi speed at the expense of whole home coverage.


Keep us posted. 

Thanks , will do , though you would expect people to do there jobs properly without me having to chase up and ask for things . Is there no accountability at Vodafone??