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Recent drop in speed

4: Newbie

I've had Vodafone broadband for around 4 months now and get a speed of approximately 55MBps. I went on holiday over Christmas and when I came back the speed has dropped to 40MBps, which has been consistent for the last few days. I've spoken to Vodafone about it and their answer is that I'm only guaranteed a speed of 35MBps, however I can't understand why this sudden drop would have happened.


It's not an issue with my devices / router location and if I look on the router itself (per image) it shows a speed of 40MBPs

Router 1.png






Something else I find odd is that when I go into the connection status the current download rate shows 40000kbps and the upload (which is fine) shows 19000kbps. I don't look at these figures regularly, however I don't think I've ever seen them at such exact values (as opposed to something like 40234 and 19365). To me this would suggest that there's some form of limiting going on somewhere.  The download is also far below the maximum rate which I know can happen for various reasons, but as I've said it's never dropped down to this level for a consistent period in the last 4 months.


Router 2.png


Can anyone suggest what I can do about this please?




16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

It would appear DLM (Dynamic Line Management) has reduced your line speed.

You can wait, and hope it brings it back up, or you could ask Vodaphone for a DLM reset, but I've never heard of anyone getting them to arrange one.

I can only imagine that over the holidays something happened on your line to trigger it, was the house empty whilst you were away?

Thanks for the reply


The house was empty. The only thing I can think of that might be line related is that we got some new neighbours 2 doors down from us just before Christmas. If they got broadband installed whilst we were gone is it possible that the engineer has done some toying around with the cabinet and caused it?

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Possible, but unlikely.

Keep an eye on that SNR figure. If it stays stable for a while, hopefully DLM will resync and reduce it to approx 6.4 and your speed will come back. If it is unstable (i.e. different by more than a couple of points each time you check) then the line is having problems. It may be worth trying in the test socket to eliminate problems at your end, but if it has been O.K. for the last few months there shouldn't be any.

Thanks for the information. I've checked again today and it's up to 44MBPs so hopefully it will resolve itself at some point. Fortunately it doesn't matter too much - I only happened to notice as I'd just purchased a game with a 122GB download, so the speed difference actually had an impact!