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Forum Posts

Resolved! Unable to update the updates app

Using SmartPrime 6 and am unable to update the 'Updates' app. Phone tells me update available (5.6.0) but everytime I try it goes through the process "Installing" with the red progress bar at the bottom then finally tells me "Updates has not been ins...

csqwared by 3: Seeker
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Resolved! MyVodafone app on Smart Prime 6

From MyVodafone app select 'Visit My Vodafone' and log in to page "Account Summary".  All the 'buttons' work except for 'Manage' which, when tapped does nothing.  When tapped, rather than just the button highlighting, the whole band across the page h...

csqwared by 3: Seeker
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Resolved! VF Usage Manager

I am having issues with the vodafone usage manager app. I am using an HTC One M8 with latest Android 5.01. On Friday week ago it went haywire and was telling me I was using Gigs of data, and when I phoned VF customer service, they confirmed that I wa...
