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Thin Lizzy were right...Dont believe a word

4: Newbie

Still not sure if £69 has been wasted for a SureSignal. How long do I have to wait to get my number recognised by vodafone sure signal? Been with vodafone for 3 months, been paying a bill for 3 months and told that I will be up and running in 48 hours...another 24 hours...after the 24 hours...well it is now 36 hours on and nothing. I am not impressed. So if you are waiting for something...dont believe a word about the time it will take.


Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@bluesnappa As previously advised, please provide your Sure Signal serial number and we'll help you further. 

You have the reference number that I was told the tech team would be working on...see above post... but here is the serial number of the sure signal...43152123485



If the number in question is the owner number on the account, you'll need to de-register your Sure Signal completely.


Re-register your Sure Signal with another number on your account as the owner and then add the number in question as a user.


If you're still experiencing the same issues, I've sent you a private message with details on how to get in touch.


For anyone else with the same issue, try the steps listed here and if you’re still affected, contact customer service.

Christmas party time...pass the parcel...



...Only the ones with the parcel now still haven't done a thing...three weeks to date.

Community Manager
Community Manager



Have you tried all the steps advised by Cailen?


If so and you’re still unable to connect, please advise what problem you're currently experiencing.

4: Newbie
Yes I tried all the steps...deregister/reregister etc. All I get from 191 is the tech team are aware and will fix it when you get to the top of the pile. 11913292 is the reference number for my problem. It must be a very big pile. Having spoken to 191 on Monday, I would have hoped something might have been done. Sadly looks like another week passes by with no remedy. All I want is to be able to register my number on my sure signal. I do need it as signal strength is poor where I live.

@bluesnappa As we need to take your details securely, please follow the link I've provided you by direct message on the 24/11/2015.

4: Newbie
I have called 191 today and was told that the right team have it to deal with now as it was passed to a different manager originally. However the call handler said that there was no time scale that he could give me for getting it fixed. I would get a text to tell me when it was fixed and just wait for the text. That was at midday today, three weeks on. Hey ho.

4 days on and still nowt.

HAWAY Vodafone pull your finger out...another week and still really are shocking when it comes to customer warned folks and tell your friends.