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Forum Posts

Voicemail Temporary Greeting and Extended Absence Greeting

These features of the Voicemail system are very useful, especially over the holiday season, but there is remarkably little information about them on the website. Indeed, I haven’t been able to find any information, although I use them regularly, and ...

Annie_N by Community Champion (Retired)
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Vodafone Sure Signal troubleshooting

Flashing/steady power light, no other lights litLight one on, light two flashingSure Signal not transmitting a 3G signal‘Call Failed’ error when making callsResetting your Sure SignalSure Signal - Call Audio Quality IssuesIssue not listed?   Getting ...

Retired-Kay by Moderator (Retired)
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Network issues – initial checks and template

If you're having network problems, please read the information below before posting. This will help us to identify any issues more quickly. A network issue would include loss of signal, poor signal or problems making/receiving calls or texts:   1. Ch...

VodafoneUK by Administrator
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Network queries - frequently asked questions

We receive a number of network related queries every month and many of these ask about how we handle these enquiries.   This FAQ tells you everything you need to know: 1) I’ve posted a network query, what now?   2) Why can't you give me a timescale o...

Sure Signal stopped working after Sim Changed

Hi Vodafone SupportI recently purchased a smart phone and visited a Vodafone store who inserted a micro SIM and transfered the phone number and PAYG credit onto the new SIM. After a few hours the old phone SIM was disabled, but the new phone did not ...

Sure signal v1 stopped working

My sure signal stopped working yesterday.Reset didn't work and after an hour on the phone to an advisor who didn't understand half of what I was saying I was told my sure signal was faulty and to buy a new sure signal for £69.99! Having had it for ye...

Rockcake by 3: Seeker
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Resolved! registering a sure signal box

Hi,I have bought a suresignal box but cannot see the link in my vodaphone to regsiter it.Is this because there is already a sure signal box in use at my address but owned and managed by my employer? does this have to be deregistered before I can see ...

nodbal by 2: Seeker
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Resolved! New Android Update

I received a notification on my Vodafone Smart Prime 6 with the name of the update 5.0.2/120FCN2.I wanted to what this update includes and I'm having trouble installing it it just keeps saying preparing update and a moving animation that's all and no...

Bkhan66 by 3: Seeker
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galaxy s6 5.1.1 update parallax effect does not work anymore!! furious

just bought a new s6 64gb from vodafone on my upgrade, I got the phone and was told it needs a software update. so I did this and now the parallax background wallpaper effect no longer works. if i go to wallpaper and make sure the effect is ticked an...

adjx by 1: Seeker
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Purchasing PAYG phone

I've got a sim only plan and usually buy a PAYG phone (usually break them fairly quickly), I attempted to purchase a PAYG phone in a store and was told I had to also purchase a £10 sim card or I can't buy the phone. I can do it online and send it to ...

Sure signal problem

When I add my son's vodaphone it stops him receiving calls, just goes to voicemail - he has a good signal and he also can't make calls.  All other phones connected work fine - any clues??

nigley by 3: Seeker
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V3 - Red light + flashing internet then after 10 minutes - no lights

The issue you’re experiencing: V3 - Red light + flashing internet then after 10 minutes - no lights except flashing yellow and solid green at ethernet port What light sequence you're seeing: Red light and flashing internet light then after about 10 m...

TJAWALES by 2: Seeker
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