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Forum Posts

Resolved! Activating SIM in USA

Hello, I purchased a Pay as you go microSIM for Ipad / tablets with 1GB from Amazon as I am coming to the UK in a week. However the sticker on the box says to activate by Feb 17, 2016. This is two days before I arrive. I tried to use it here and it w...

rbenn674 by 1: Seeker
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Resolved! Wifi Hotspot

Hi, I am out the country for the next 3 months and am looking to buy a R207 wifi hotspot on 3G with 10GB on a 30 day contract. My question is, after the 30 days how much would it cost to top up with 10GB for another 30 days?   Many Thanks

GCUK by 2: Seeker
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Resolved! Need my voicemail PIN reset

Hi -I am overseas at the moment (Barbados) and have forgotten my voicemail PIN resulting in my voicemail now locked. As I have 4 messages awaiting me I would really like to access them but do not want to rack up a load of charges ringing UK to try an...

tdcj27 by 2: Seeker
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