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Forum Posts

Resolved! Txts being sent to old phone

I had a i-phone but now got Vodafone smart ultra 6,my msgs get sent no problem but some replys get sent to my old phone,I have alsocturned old phone off but when I turn back on again the msgs are there,what am I doing wrong

Resolved! How do you stop unwanted SMS from 80027 that are stealing my credit?

I need to know how you stop unsolicited premium rate SMS and how you get the money they have stolen from me as a result. I have been receiving spam, unsolicited SMS from 80027 cellso-babes containing a link to a website. I have never heard of them be...

frust by 4: Newbie
  • 22 replies
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Resolved! Message+

Just installed message+. Ever since it keeps trying to send 12 historic texts and fails....This is happening constantly (every 20 mins or so). I have cleared the app cache and so it continues. I don't know which messages are failing and do not want t...

PaulChad by 2: Seeker
  • 8 replies
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Resolved! S4 update - messages not visible.

Can anyone please help? After the latest software update on my s4 all of my messages have disapeared. I can see the first line in the header along with the senders name, but when I open them it's blank. This applies to not only old messages, but any ...

Resolved! Messages Not being received by a samsung user

I can send texts to everyone apart from one number who uses a samsung phone! I'm receiving this persons texts but they aren't getting mine! Any reason for this?! I've tried deleting & re-adding the contact. Deleting message thread & starting a new on...
