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Forum Posts

Resolved! Getting 4G on iPad

I have had the same SIM for my iPad since 2010 when the first generation was released. My iPad is able to receive 4G, but if I enable it on my iPad 4 (Retina) it does not work saying that it is not supported.    I sent a Tweet to the Vodafone "suppor...

Resolved! iPad Air receives but can't send text messages

I have an iPad Air (through Vodafone) and it receives text messages but can't send them. For example today I upgraded to the new iOS and very quickly got a text from Vodafone saying I needed to upgrade the settings. I was told to click a link which t...

Resolved! Ipad Data consumption

Can someone from the tech team advise me how to get a breakdown of my data consumption ?

StewartH by 3: Seeker
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Resolved! Red + sharer plan nightmare

Got sharer plan 6gb for phone 4 go for iPad air2 getting 4g on phone but only 3G on Pad have it enabled on pad but no joy
