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Forum Posts

Resolved! Whoopsy!

One thing that Vodafone did forget to do when transfering the internet and telephone from my previous supplier (Plus.Net) was to inform the former that the internet was being moved too...  Apparently PlusNet was only informed about the telephobe move...

MrTAToad by 4: Newbie
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Fiber Connection Fee

Hi I been trying to find out why the high fiber connection charge?? All I was told it's what openreach charge Vodafone, this is not true because openreach charge Vodafone and other companies £9 to transfer a fiber line over. I will be putting in a co...

Resolved! Using own VDSL2 router with VF Broadband

Cant find a lot of details about this, but was wondering if VF now allows the use of your own router with their Fibre Broadband offer? I have been on chat and in store in Bluewater and both confirmed I can, but I dont want to sign a new contract if t...

peggleg by 3: Seeker
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Resolved! Second sim for pay monthly data contract

Hi,  I have a 3g data contract for use with my laptop which has an internal 3g radio.  While very convenient, sometime the reception is not great and so I would like to get a dongle as a fall back.  I wondered if I could get a second sim against the ...

Resolved! R207 PAYG

Hi, I recently bought a R207 and I am aware the credit only lasts 30 days. I only intend to use it when travelling, about once every 3 months. I am also aware that a PAYG mobile phone has to make a call at least once every 90 to keep the number from ...
