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Forum Posts

Resolved! Points

New to internet and first time I've ever been on a forum.Anyway,when I top up £5 and get the text to COLLECT the points.I re-send the text and have collected 1750 points now.BUT don't get the code to cash in the points.Is there a reason why.Any advic...

Adyace by 3: Seeker
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Resolved! Mobile data not working

I have put a pay as you go sim into my oldContract phone for my son to use, but it comes up error saying mobile data not working please help

Resolved! Lost data allowance on a reactivated dongle.

My dongle was recently re-activated after being idle for some time, but my £22.40 data surplus has been lost and only £2 remains, is there reason for this?  

chasboz by 1: Seeker
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Resolved! using payg data on mobile wifi in Spain

I only have a simple phone and have no experience of using mobile data. However I am shortly going abroad for a few weeks with no internet access and wish to use my Vodafone sim card in a mobile wifi device on my laptop. Do I need any special bundle ...

Jubilado by 3: Seeker
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Resolved! BUMPER Christmas free 50GB of data

Ive received a text today to say I have 50GB of free UK data included in my next big value bundle if I text 49500 before my next bundle expires. 49500 isnt accepting the texts?  will this just be automatically added when payment is taken from my acou...

jools46 by 3: Seeker
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Resolved! PAYG: what should the APN address be - Confused

Recently changed from Vodafone contract to PAYG   Setting up my iPhone 4s after a reset to new. My APN address is shown as and yet some say it should be   Which is correct.   Also my number given at the Vodafone ...

Resolved! PAYG phone as a xmas present

I have bought my son a Samsung core prime on the Vodafone network from Argos which required a top being purchased at the same time. Because this is going to be a xmas present how long will the top up last for before being deactivated or even if there...

Wac87 by 3: Seeker
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Resolved! Galaxy S GPS works fine on 3 but not on VodaPhone - why?

The GPS on my trusty Galaxy S works fine on 3 but not at all on VodaPhone. Both are PAYG Why could that be? I have imported the VodaPone APN from the TXT message that the netowrk sent. The Droid GPS test app shows no sats in view on VodaPhone, but 8 ...

z1rd3 by 1: Seeker
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Resolved! R207 PAYG

Hi, I recently bought a R207 and I am aware the credit only lasts 30 days. I only intend to use it when travelling, about once every 3 months. I am also aware that a PAYG mobile phone has to make a call at least once every 90 to keep the number from ...
