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Forum Posts

HTC synched calendar out by one day - January and February 2016 only

I missed an appointment earlier this week:  Outlook said Wednesday.  My synced M9 said Thursday.  I believed the phone as I was away from my computer.  However, appointments created on the phone were on the correct day in both places.   It seems HTC ...

TrevorC by 4: Newbie
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One M9 Cases

Hey all!   Was wondering if anyone around here who has their hands on a shiney new M9 and is up to speed on the best way to protect it. The official dotview case is £35, a bit too steep for me. I like the look of the Spigen cases for the M9 and havin...

Nabs by 17: Community Champion
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Resolved! htc desire 310

How do I obtain a nuc code I brought this phone while visiting family in England have returned home and needed a nuc code but when ever I look for a way to get it I am never directed there I would like this resolved quickly as I need to be able to us...

kazmadan by 1: Seeker
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Resolved! indicator icons

This last week I've had a Software Update, now I have an icon that is a white square with a capital N inside the square, this N is also broken on the diagonal line of the N.   What does this icon mean?
