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Forum Posts

Resolved! SD Card

How do I make my SD card the default write disk on a Vodafone Smart 4 Mini?? I've inserted my SD card into the device but want to make it the default write disk so that when I download things from Google Play it downloads there automatically. Thanks

TheClaw by 1: Seeker
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Resolved! Smart 4 mini bluetooth car connection

My Smart 4 mini has paired OK with my Kia Venga but will not automatically connect when I get in the car. It sometimes connects if I turn bluetooth off & on again on the phone but this isn't ideal. Is there a way round this?

Stubborn MMITEST app making phone unusable

First, I am hugely disappointed in the online vodafone customer service. Half an hour of broken english and me repeating myself over and over again just to be told to phone tech support.    Anyhoo.... I have a Vodafone smart 4 mini but for several we...
