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Forum Posts

Resolved! Data when on wifi

Ive gone over my data allowance whilst asleep and not using my phone. It was also connected to wifi all night. How can this be so when on wifi and not in use? i have a message at 2am saying data usage limit near, and then another 20mins later saying ...

Resolved! no mobile data

Samsung Galazy S5 Mini - contract   I have never been able to receive mobile date. WIFI is fine and no issues with calls / messages.   Can not access Facebook, Twitter etc or enter google. If I try to search for example 'bbc' the ble bar starts then ...

SLH1 by 2: Seeker
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Resolved! 2 Sure Signal Devices on one account.

Hi there,Wondering if anyone can tell me if this would work please.I have no network signal anywhere on my property so have a sure signal box which works just fine.I'm just about to start working from home using a detached garage as an office.Unfortu...

Signs by 2: Seeker
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Resolved! Cannot connect samsung after powercut help?

I had a 8 hour unexpected powercut yesterday and eversince my Samsung Galaxy Ace 4 does not have any connectivity. Its fine if wi-fi is taken off and my data connection is used and i can cannect to the net but as soon as wi-fi is back on nothing happ...

Starjax by 4: Newbie
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Resolved! sony experia m2

i have had a problem with my experia m2 since just before xmas it keeps freezing and calls people willy nilly on its own i constontly get a message saying the android core has stopped working it will connect to wifi for about 2-4mins than loose conne...
