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Forum Posts

Resolved! Cannot connect to internet when in Europe

I have a Eurotraveller plan but cannot connect to the internet with my iphone6 while I am in Europe (Italy for example). I have enabled roaming and deselected 4G but still cannot use any 3G internet. I have been chatting to you online support for hou...

Resolved! no mobile data

My phone number swapped over today from another network and I can make and receive calls, however I have no Internet unless I use wi-fi

Resolved! No internet since system update

Earlier today my phone done a system update, ever since I can't get connected to the internet mobile data is switched on but says it is disconnected and service is unavailable, can anyone help??

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Resolved! No internet on Blackberry unless connected to wifi

Hello - unless my phone is connected to wifi, I am unable to dowload anything whatsoever on my phone. I get the following message "Error - The network is unavailable. Please try again later"   I did receive APN settings from Voadafone last week but c...
