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Forum Posts

Resolved! Samsung s6 Edge battery

Hi My Samsung S6 Edge battery doesnt seemlast very long. In order to use my phone I have to keep it on charge all day! I never have any apps opne and have checked the battery usage.  I believe ths is a notorious problem with this model?

Googs76 by 3: Seeker
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Resolved! VF695 How do i switch sound notifications on for (sms)

I have a new vodafone smart first 6 ,which is ok apart from the short underpowered battery life. My problem is that i can not switch sound notification on for text messages. I have downloaded and read the manual, and tried altering it on settings, wi...

PCWW by 3: Seeker
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Resolved! iPhone 5s under warranty

I have an iPhone 5s still under warranty.   The phone on full charge last approximately 2 to 3 hours on full charge.   It constantly freezes, turns off, jumps back to the home screen etc.   WHat can i do to get it replaced??   Many thanks
