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Forum Posts

Resolved! Getting 4G on iPad

I have had the same SIM for my iPad since 2010 when the first generation was released. My iPad is able to receive 4G, but if I enable it on my iPad 4 (Retina) it does not work saying that it is not supported.    I sent a Tweet to the Vodafone "suppor...

Resolved! Oneplus X and 4G

Hello   I know 4g reception has been covered for the Oneplus One, but I wanted to see if the Oneplus X is different when it comes to getting a 4g signal?    Thanks  

a_mellor by 3: Seeker
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Resolved! Im not getting 4G

Hello, I have a iPhone 5 on pay as you go and i bought a £20 big value bundle to get 4G, But when i go to my Setttings > Mobile Data > Voice & Data i click on 4G and it comes it with 'Enable LTE? This mobile network has not been certified by the carr...

Resolved! Phone not connecting to Sure Signal when on 4G

Hi Forum,   So my problem is this:   When at home I have pretty poor coverage so I have a sure signal. When indoors, sometimes my devices (Samsung Galaxy S4, S4 Mini and iPhone 6) connect to a very weak 4G signal. If I then go to make a phone call, a...

Resolved! Call and data at the same time with iPhone 6 and Vodafone

I am and also my colleagues who have iPhone 6 and Vodafone SIM are experiencing this: when you make a call the data first drops from 4G to 3G and eventually the data is not available at all, it happens gradually within a minute or so. It only happens...

Tomir71 by 2: Seeker
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Resolved! Red + sharer plan nightmare

Got sharer plan 6gb for phone 4 go for iPad air2 getting 4g on phone but only 3G on Pad have it enabled on pad but no joy

Resolved! moto 4g wifi issues

Hi all   Got a very strange issue with a moto 4g lte   I have a sim only deal with Vodafone   The phone works fine but for some reason when I'm connected to wifi it will connect to the Internet and i can search Google etc but when i try and do anythi...

Giza2020 by 2: Seeker
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