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Forum Posts

Resolved! email problem with new phone HELP!

Following the demise of my beloved BlackBerry I now have a Sony Xperia M2 Aqua.   Having set up the email as a POP3 account I found that it would send and receive when the phone is connected to WiFi but only receive but not send e-mails over the voda...

Resolved! moto 4g wifi issues

Hi all   Got a very strange issue with a moto 4g lte   I have a sim only deal with Vodafone   The phone works fine but for some reason when I'm connected to wifi it will connect to the Internet and i can search Google etc but when i try and do anythi...

Giza2020 by 2: Seeker
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Resolved! No internet on Blackberry unless connected to wifi

Hello - unless my phone is connected to wifi, I am unable to dowload anything whatsoever on my phone. I get the following message "Error - The network is unavailable. Please try again later"   I did receive APN settings from Voadafone last week but c...
