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Forum Posts

Resolved! Vodafone smart prime 6 issues

Hi I've seen threads on this already but when o click on the lonk that people used to resolve the issue it says the page has expired.The issues i'm having are just two small things which affect the functionality and efficiency of the phone:1) I cant ...

Resolved! HTC One Mini 2 Error Message

Hi, I've got an error message: has stopped working   The message won't clear, so I can't get to any of my apps. I basically can't do anything with the phone. I can't restart for example.    Looked online for help. Lots of advice abo...

JMH66 by 1: Seeker
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Resolved! How do I put my apps back in Stock order?

My boyfriend decided to change my apps to alphabetical order ON MY PHONE without permission. They've been the same since I got my phone and now it's like having a brand new phone. It's driving me bananas! Is there any way to put the apps back in orde...
