Resolved! HTC One M8 - Android Marshmallow 6.0 Update
Hi, Does anyone know if and when Vodafone will push out the Android Marshmallow 6.0 update to the HTC One M8? Thanks.
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Hi, Does anyone know if and when Vodafone will push out the Android Marshmallow 6.0 update to the HTC One M8? Thanks.
Wil the Vodafone prime 6 get the next android update that has just been leeked on the web today.
Now sony have released lollipop how long before you approve it vodafone?
On Saturday night 'myvodafone' said I could download lollipop . when I clicked on the link it disappeared. What's going on?
I need help as bought my son a istyle netbook which has android 4.2 on it. And I cant seem to connect my dongle to the netbook anyone help??