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Forum Posts

Resolved! HTC 8 M8 - difficulty in starting

I've had my HTC 8 for about 18 months and it has been fine.  Lately, however, it has been very slow to start.  I have had hold the button for long periods (over a minute) on several occasions before it would come to life.  Just before writing this I ...

JRR by 4: Newbie
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Resolved! Sure SIgnal V3 stopped working at the weekend

My Sure Signal has been working well since I bought it in March 2015. It suddenly stopped working this weekend. I have been talking to Sure Signal Support, right through to Level 3 support, but no-one has really helped. Here are my diagnostics:   Sur...

Resolved! Sony Xperia Z3 cracked screen

Yesterday morning (16th June) my Sony Xperia Z3 screen inexplicably shattered whilst in the front pocket of my jeans, and as a result, the touch screen no longer works. There was nothing else in my pocket, nor did the phone receive any trauma that co...

Resolved! Unbelievable and pathetic

My phone developed a fault (audio when calling and receiving) and I'm 8months in to my contract so the iPhone is still under warranty.Phoned vodafone to say about this which then they instructed me to go to the closest voda shop and I will have it re...
