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Poor signal since 3g switch off

10: Established
10: Established

Any one else got poor service/signal since 3g switch off? Think vodafone 3g switch off is a step backwards. My s22 ultra is always warm from always searching for signal since 3g switch off! Before I could get a steady 8mbps now I'm either getting nothing or  rarely 150mbps when 5g appears I've got to put my phone on silent at night to stop all the no service notifications 😑 poor show vodafone I'd rather have a reliable signal than this occasionally 1bar 4g or 1bar 5g

136 REPLIES 136

Thank you, that all makes sense. Very interesting about being able to configure which one (2G/4G/5G)  takes priority. I wonder why they would prioritise 2G in this situation?

The M2M industry, smart meters, remote monitoring of other equipment and similar, is currently gearing up to replace 2G equipment with either 5G or non-cellular kit. I guess once the large majority of the M2M industry reports in that their new equipment is up and running, the MNOs will kill 2G. Can you imagine the shambles if they switched 2G off right now?! 😮

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

You're not alone! Mine is dreadful

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Yes, terrible...Vodafone not interested

7: Helper
7: Helper

My phone service has been dreadful since the switch off. Seems to be an area Vodafone have decided they don’t want to cover (despite saying it’s a 5g area on the network checker).

My wife’s contract was up so rang up for the PAC code, no arguing, didn’t even ask why I was leaving, sent a text with it in and that was that. 15+ years of being with them gone. She’s now with EE with a strong 5g service. Il be moving as soon as my contract is up. The way Vodafone have dealt with the switch off has been shocking, and with them being so ready to loose loyal customers, seems like they have factored it in. 

After complaining hundreds of times with the CEO office, they told me to leave. I did, I also moved to EE, the network I was first on. The second I did, my non existent speed went to 300mbps on 4G. I haven’t looked back since! Good riddance Vodafone. 

A company telling a customer to leave. Sir John Harvey-Jones must be spinning in his casket! 😄

It's funny but earlier on I actually considered it possible that Vodafone have indeed factored in customer loss as a result of the 3G switch off. It'll probably help alleviate, slightly, the network saturation in places like south London. Strange way to run a business though.

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

I have a work phone on Vodafone. Trying to complain to Vodafone either by telephone or chat is like pulling teeth. They make it so convoluted and difficult to get through to someone thats going take ownership.
Anyways, same issue. I live in whats supposed to be the largest village in England with a catchment area of >12K people. In some fringe areas there is 4G coverage, but since they turned off 3G which was all we had in most of the village, I just have Edge now.
I travel a fair bit for work and its not just an issue where I live. Anywhere between areas of population, smaller places, edges of towns all I get nowadays is Edge. Its absolutely appalling service from Vodafone.
Do Vodafone have a plan to address this?
Are OFCOM not getting involved to force operators to pull their finger out and get at least 4G in all areas previously covered by 3G?

@efelmer wrote:

Are OFCOM not getting involved to force operators to pull their finger out and get at least 4G in all areas previously covered by 3G?

Network-specific design issues can also impact this, some MNO's were in a much better place to handle 3G switch-off than  others.

Ofcom will very rarely get involved in local coverage issues, their interest is predominantly in national coverage targets.