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Receiving bills for someone not living with me

3: Seeker
3: Seeker


I moved to my current house nearly one year ago. Before me, the previous owners lived here for around two years.

I keep receiving Vodafone bills addressed to a person who doesn't live with me, and who isn't one of the previous owners. I guess it might be someone who lived here more than three years ago.

Can I do anything to force Vodafone to update their data? I can provide proof of the fact that I do, indeed, live at my current address.




16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Razz12 Assuming that it's coming via Royal Mail, then using a red pen mark a red cross (going top to bottom and left to right) and then in capitals write "RTS". Now bung it in the letter box. VF will have a retuned mail department and they will deal with it.

If you are suspicious of someone illegally using you address, phone 101 and explain it to the police and get a crime number. Contact the VF help desk and tell them the details and give them the crime number. 

Thanks for the answer!

Unfortunately I've been returning to sender everything since the day I moved in, but nothing has changed. I was wondering if there's any other solution

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

@Razz12 In the FAQ you'll find the details for contacting VF. Perhaps try the contact for billing.


17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Yes @Razz12 

If someone is using your address for their billing complete and submit the information on this form Privacy , this will be sent to the Privacy Team who will be in a position to review all the information.

Should you have a fraud concern complete this form fraud 

The bill should contain the phone number of the user.

3: Seeker
3: Seeker

Thanks to both @Cynric and @AnnS!
I'm following your advice, hopefully I can sort this out.