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3: Seeker
3: Seeker

For about a month I've had major issues with voda. I've been with voda for years and their great. But recently I've had problems with my account. Seems like my payments are being rerouted. We've set up a DD three times, it doesn't work. Then I get a suspicious email asking for payment. Again and again. And Again. I Call in to pay manually. This is again folllowed by a text asking for payment. Today we settled the amount again this time with a manager.  Check my banking app, the payment goes through fine. Then 15 mins later I get an email saying the amount I just paid is owing??? This time the account number stated in this email is not mine. Also the phone numbers in the email-  08080045203 and 40444 lead nowhere or to some dodgy payment line.

When voda emails me, a clone email follows almost immediately. When they text, a clone text follows. I've two accounts  one for my device one for my call plan and a also now, a mysterious 3rd one, probably for the ghost of Christmas past! Or some scammer in a call centre somewhere!

Voda blamed my bank but today had to accept some responsibility, as the conversation I literally had an hour before with the Voda manager was followed by a scam email. The email contained EVERYTHING the account manager and I spoke about. This is a clearly clone activity. Whoever the scammer are, they can hear our calls conversations and see bank details. This scammy clone activity is stretched so tightly over the businesses customer services operations, it feels like voda is doing it.

I made a payment manually. It was taken from my bank but voda didn't get it. Their system said I claimed indemnity and got my bank to claim it back??  But if the bank claimed it back the money should be in my account. It's not.

Apparently they said that I claimed indemnity last month too?? What? you can't claim indemnity every month fgs.

VodaClone seems to be under attack. These scams are very annoying. I feel sick for older people who are never going to be able to defend against this utter rot.