09-03-2015 12:15 AM
How do you do this? It has made the view way too small - I want 4 columns not 5 so any idea how you do this?
Also, overall it does seem quite "buggy" but prepared to stick with it if i can actually see my apps.
I did a roll-back to 10.2 and there is a significant difference.
09-03-2015 06:35 PM
sadly it cant be changed.
quite a lot of complaints about this. they even turned round to me on the bb forum and said the icons are not smaller only the borders have been removed.
the only option is to roll back to 10.2 which is not advised.
as youve updated are you also having the problem with the ringtone being at least 50% quieter and the callender alarm either not ringing at all or only for 2 seconds.
many many more problems reported and still no official announcement from rim.
11-03-2015 08:22 AM
Unfortunately yes - ringtone is now awful!
I did roll back to 10.2 but had to do that via an autoloader as BBLink wouldn't work. Then I couldn't restore my backup as I got an error message saying I needed to update my handset software!
So now working with 10.3 - too many minor niggles and a couple of bigger one's for my liking.
I've been a BlackBerry user for many years but, as my contract expires next month now seriously thinking about moving to Android, that's how much I don't like 10.3!
I hope BlackBerry (RIM) sort this out soon but somehow I suspect the tiny icons are here to stay as they are on the old one's running OS7 - although they have a trackpad and a banner to explain what the icon is for which makes it manageable, but that is another story.........
09:47 AM
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04:41 PM
been there and got the tee shirt.
sounds like all the same issues ive had.
when it first happened it felt like no one would believe me and then slowly others started having the same issues.
when you keep getting told to back everything up with i link it wears a bit thin when rim support themselves told me not to connect phone to computer again as their software was corrupt and i cant be blamed for that one as they loaded it remotely themselves.
anyway it has been going on for almost 3 weeks now and affected my job which could mean a matter of life or death for a cardiac response team that needs to hear the
(Removed according to House Rules)
ring tone that used to be very loud. being told that it still vibrates doesnt help the situation.
thanks to the nhs we now have to supply our own phones so last night i spent £430 on a new bb passport unlocked from carphone wharehouse as vodafone cant supply one without a contract or payg. direct from bb it was £530 so £100 more.