22-11-2012 07:43 PM
Hi all,
i'm looking at getting another VSS but don't want to shell out £50. is it reasonable to buy a 1st gen suresignal from eBay? Is there any difference? Do they work as well?
My next question is about how I will be using the VSS. It's going to be used in a holiday home and won't be switched on 24/7/365. It will be on 24hrs a day but only when the house is in use. ie there will be days/weeks at a time when it's switched off. Will this cause any problems?
thanks in advance!
23-11-2012 07:39 AM
Hi rednaxela,
Other than the obvious physical differences there isn't anything major.
As long as your holiday home is in the UK then there is no problem using it. You may have an issue if you leave it switched off for too long as long periods of inactivity will get the device suspended. At the moment there is no way to get it back out of suspension.
23-11-2012 11:55 AM
"... long periods of inactivity will get the device suspended. At the moment there is no way to get it back out of suspension."
That sounds crazy. Any idea why?
23-11-2012 12:27 PM
23-11-2012 12:29 PM
Thanks both. I've only just discovered the VSS v3. Is this available yet? I can only see the v2 on the voda website but there doesn't seem to be an option t buy it?