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7plus Jet black update

4: Newbie
I called Vodafone today as was told that it will now be end of September beginning of October, I did what half the country done and pre ordered on date of announcement, apple has let everyone down

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion




As per every iPhone launch I've been involved in from the iPhone 4 to the iPhone 6 Plus there has been limited stock and slipped delivery dates both from the networks and Apple themselves. 


Goes with the territory I'm afraid. 

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



4: Newbie
Aw really? Had it always been 3/4 weeks?

Community Champion (Retired)
Community Champion (Retired)

@Liamm86 I started using iPhones with the original iPhone and without fail every year Apple underestimate the worldwide demand for each new release.


I appreciate that Apple can't suddenly knock up another couple of million in a few days to meet the extra demand so in the final analysis it is Apple who fail to supply the networks with the amount they need but that is the name of the game and it is obviously not in Apple's interest to overestimate the amount required and possibly end up with unsold devices.


If less people have to have the phone on day one none of this crazy jumping up and down and chucking their dummies out of the pram would happen. After all it is only a phone.

3: Seeker
3: Seeker
How's it apples fault that Vodafone took more preorders than they had stock for? There's no way Vodafone didn't no how much stock they were getting but still took preorders for release day delivery. Vodafone has let everyone down.

Community Champion (Retired)
Community Champion (Retired)

@Jamesy11234 None of us have details of how many devices Vodafone ordered but looking at other networks worldwide it appears that no network received the amount of phones that they asked for.


When orders from the networks are placed Apple are still knocking the phones up and again this year the demand has outstripped Apple's production capabilities. Even Apple stores never received the total number of devices they asked for. So if Apple stores can't get them what chance have the networks?

4: Newbie
Totally agree

4: Newbie
Both parties are to blame, Apple should gage demand and Vodafone should manage expectations