Hey Wacko,
Pay As You Go? That's why it might not be working
The PAYG details are as follows:
APN - pp.vodafone.co.uk
User - web
Pass - web
Give this a whirl!
Yes, there is a
newer version of VMC too! We recommend it in cases where there is a driver or compatibility error. This may not fix the problem, but is worth a shot!
Other than this, I'd recommend trying the SIM in a mobile phone - can you get onto the internet this way? Can you then try the phone tethered as a modem? If all works, then you might be looking at a communication error between your card and your computer
If this is the case, please do let us know with as much detail as possible - anything you think that will help us get a better picture in our minds what's going on will be grand
Hope to hear from you soon!
eForum Team