29-07-2009 09:28 AM
29-07-2009 06:31 PM
30-07-2009 09:45 PM
Hi, I've just signed up for Vodafone mobile broadband out of utter frustration with dealing with any landline companies and their ludicrous connection fees.
Phoning CS I was promptly and efficiently told to use the smtp outgoing address. It worked and I was absolutely delighted with everything about Vodafone at this point - less than 24 hours after signing up I had fully functional broadband.
That was, until my emails stopped arriving at their destination in a timely manner about 2 weeks ago. Contrary to the another recent thread, I am sure all my emails eventually get through, but on average 24 hours later. I am receiving all my emails without a problem.
Yes, I have found a thread with answers from the Vodafone experts but I don't find the replies satisfactory:
"We are aware of delays sending emails from at this time, however this is not a garaunteed service, and I would strongly recommend against becoming dependant upon its operation. We are due to replace this system with a new one, but in the meantime, problems like this are bound to crop up. As an alternative, we recommend using your own SMTP server address wherever possible."
I don't want or feel the need to know the process of sending emails - that's what I'm paying Vodafone for. I would just like (as with any previous broadband provider) to switch on the PC and have the functionality that I expect. Sending of emails from Outlook is, I am sure you will agree, a pretty basic request.
What do you suggest to reaffirm my enthusiasm for Vodafone? At the moment I'm really quite fed up with the whole thing.
Many thanks
30-07-2009 09:56 PM