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Erratic Email Delivery

Not applicable
Hi, I've just signed up for Vodafone mobile broadband out of utter frustration with dealing with any landline companies and their ludicrous connection fees.

Phoning CS I was promptly and efficiently told to use the smtp outgoing address. It worked and I was absolutely delighted with everything about Vodafone at this point - less than 24 hours after signing up I had fully functional broadband.

That was, until my emails stopped arriving at their destination in a timely manner about 2 weeks ago. Contrary to the another recent thread, I am sure all my emails eventually get through, but on average 24 hours later. I am receiving all my emails without a problem.

Yes, I have found a thread with answers from the Vodafone experts but I don't find the replies satisfactory:

"We are aware of delays sending emails from at this time, however this is not a garaunteed service, and I would strongly recommend against becoming dependant upon its operation. We are due to replace this system with a new one, but in the meantime, problems like this are bound to crop up. As an alternative, we recommend using your own SMTP server address wherever possible."

I don't want or feel the need to know the process of sending emails - that's what I'm paying Vodafone for. I would just like (as with any previous broadband provider) to switch on the PC and have the functionality that I expect. Sending of emails from Outlook is, I am sure you will agree, a pretty basic request.

What do you suggest to reaffirm my enthusiasm for Vodafone? At the moment I'm really quite fed up with the whole thing.

Many thanks

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi Mumbles,

A warm welcome to the eForum! :D

We are aware of the current problems with our outgoing mail server and we are working to get this resolved.

As you’re using mobile broadband, you should be able to use your email providers outgoing mail server. You’ll need to contact them to get their outgoing mail server details and this should then enable you to use outlook as required! :)

As you’re new to the forum and clearly an online user, I want to take the opportunity to tell you about the fantastic things you can do through my account, such as managing your price plan or adding or removing bars. I recommend you take 5 minutes to take a look at all of the things you can do online without having to contact the call centre, saving you lots of time! :)

All the best,

eForum Team

Not applicable
Hi, I've just signed up for Vodafone mobile broadband out of utter frustration with dealing with any landline companies and their ludicrous connection fees.

Phoning CS I was promptly and efficiently told to use the smtp outgoing address. It worked and I was absolutely delighted with everything about Vodafone at this point - less than 24 hours after signing up I had fully functional broadband.

That was, until my emails stopped arriving at their destination in a timely manner about 2 weeks ago. Contrary to the another recent thread, I am sure all my emails eventually get through, but on average 24 hours later. I am receiving all my emails without a problem.

Yes, I have found a thread with answers from the Vodafone experts but I don't find the replies satisfactory:

"We are aware of delays sending emails from at this time, however this is not a garaunteed service, and I would strongly recommend against becoming dependant upon its operation. We are due to replace this system with a new one, but in the meantime, problems like this are bound to crop up. As an alternative, we recommend using your own SMTP server address wherever possible."

I don't want or feel the need to know the process of sending emails - that's what I'm paying Vodafone for. I would just like (as with any previous broadband provider) to switch on the PC and have the functionality that I expect. Sending of emails from Outlook is, I am sure you will agree, a pretty basic request.

What do you suggest to reaffirm my enthusiasm for Vodafone? At the moment I'm really quite fed up with the whole thing.

Many thanks

I too have been having the same problem for a couple of weeks or so no - I can received but not send. My ISP provider is One and One and if I configure Outlook to use use their SMTP server ( sending email still does not work. I have to use their webmail whish is a pain. No-one at Vodafone ever said I should not rely on the SMTP server when they took my money - I am not impressed! Prior to a few weeks back it was fine although I have never been able to send files more than a few hundred kb in size. It's always been slooooow but that may be my location.

So c'mon Vodafone you have thousands of people out there who are stuck, only a few of us are complaiing though!

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi PeeJayJay

As per Jenny_Vodafones post, as soon as we have any news we will let the forum know.


Vodafone eForum