21-11-2016 12:30 PM
On 6th May I asked to close ONE of my Vodafone accounts. This relates to an obsolete mobile internet dongle for a laptop which has not been used for years. Every month a statement is sent to an old address showing a CREDIT amount. I was told that the account would be closed, that I would receive a credit in my bank account and the statements would stop. But the statements are still being sent every month showing a credit (and I have not received the money in my bank account). Can anyone help with getting this sorted? Apart from anything else, for security reasons, I do not want bills in my name sent to an address that I no longer control.
16-12-2016 02:53 PM
Hi @Brian29
I'm sorry for the delay.
I've sent you a PM with our contact details, hopefully we'll be able to get this resolved for you.
27-01-2017 04:25 PM
I responded to the private message from Will with the details requested but some five weeks later am still waiting for a response.
27-01-2017 04:45 PM
There was a problem before Christmas with some of the submitted forms failing to arrive. Did you just get an on-screen acknowledgement, or was it followed up with an acknowledgement email giving you an 8-digit ref no in format #15xxxxxx?
If you received a reference number, please post it here, so that the forum Tech Team can track it down.
If you didn't receive a reference no, I'm afraid I can only suggest re-submitting the form. If you no longer have the PM from Will, please say so, and one of the Team can re-send to you.
27-01-2017 06:01 PM
Thanks Annie_N for your very quick response. You are spot-on in your assumption that I received on an on-screen confirmation "Thank you for your email, we'll be in touch" but no trace of an email with a reference number. Forms failing to arrive? You couldn't make it up ....
I have re-submitted as you suggested and have this time received an acknowledgement email.
Watch this space!
28-02-2017 04:21 PM
Further to my previous post I was quite quickly contacted by a very helpful member of the social media team who offered to transfer my credit to another Vodafone account which has been done. They explained that I would receive one final statement for my old account (at my previous address) showing a zero balance to close the account - entirely logical.
I have just received said statement - showing a balance of one penny credit!
Hopefully that's close enough to zero to close the account and stop the monthly statements being sent out.
28-02-2017 05:43 PM
That certainly sounds very encouraging, and I'd hope it was end of story. If, by any chance, statements showing 1p credit continue to arrive at your previous address, I'd suggest replying to the email chain which includes your #15.... reference number, asking if they could dispose of the 1p!