13-06-2017 12:59 AM
Hi everyone
having switched from contract to sim only pay monthly last year I have a query about the new global roaming .
I saw this this was supposed to start from 11th June . However I have received no messages or anything to show on my Vodafone that this has been activated . Still only says 500mb roaming and about updating to world traveller .
Can anyone point me in the right direction thanks as I'm off to Spain soon and don't want a massive bill
thanks all
13-06-2017 07:56 AM
Hi @Ryan93
This won't show on your account. However, you should have received the following by text message to let you know about the changes to roaming for pay monthly.
Changes to roaming with Pay monthly
You will still get your roaming allowance to use as you wish, once that has been exhausted, you will have your UK allowance to use in roaming free destinations.
Hope that helps.