30-12-2015 10:26 AM
Using a Macbook Pro OS X EI Capitan 10.11.2, with Vodafone Mobile Broadband Having read the readme.txt my modem is supported using this version. The modem is Huawei K4203. The software sees the device but cannot connect to the network?
Any ideas? Oh plus in my System Preferences\Network the modem is on the list but not connected. The modem does work on my Windows 10 laptop.
30-12-2015 10:21 AM
Using a Macbook Pro OS X EI Capitan 10.11.2, with Vodafone Mobile Broadband Having read the readme.txt my modem is supported using this version. The modem is Huawei K4203. The software sees the device but cannot connect to the network?
Any ideas? Oh plus in my System Preferences\Network the modem is on the list but not connected. The modem does work on my Windows 10 laptop.
30-12-2015 10:29 AM
It sounds like something needs looking at in the Macs Settings.
When i updated to El Capitan on my MBA it broke the Microsoft App for my Lumia Windows phone, and I'm still looking at solutions.
What im saying is it does seem to have broken a few things.
Do you have any updates pending in the Mac.
Updates to drivers or maybe a new driver is possibly needed. .
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.
30-12-2015 10:38 AM
Hi there,
Macbook is up to date. Will have a look for drivers for the modem.
30-12-2015 10:54 AM
29-01-2016 04:41 PM
I am having the same problem. The dongle is live and can receive an SMS, but under system preferences network shows as the cable is not connected, or not responding.
It shows up in the system report with a bsd name of en7. When it is plugged in the console log reports
29/01/2016 16:14:15.865 configd[52]: [bootp_transmit.c:213] bootp_transmit(): bpf_write(en7) failed: Network is down (50)
29/01/2016 16:14:15.865 configd[52]: DHCP en7: INIT transmit failed
29/01/2016 16:16:17.997 symptomsd[197]: nw_interface_get_agents SIOCGIFAGENTIDS failed for interface "en7" (index 4, type other): [6] Device not configured
29/01/2016 16:16:17.998 symptomsd[197]: nw_interface_get_agents SIOCGIFAGENTIDS failed for interface "en7" (index 4, type other): [6] Device not configured
Using Application release on OSX 10.11.2
The dongle works on a windows pc.
29-01-2016 06:57 PM
30-01-2016 12:57 PM
I installed the latest software that was available for download, after uninstalling the previous version and rebooting. Are there any device drivers that I need to install in /dev?
31-01-2016 01:13 PM
31-01-2016 08:44 PM
Thank you. However the dongle still does not work even with the latest version. I am attaching the system log files, which seem to indicate that the dongle files are dismounted before they can be accessed.
Log Files
System log cleared before inserting dongle
31/01/2016 20:08:31.000 kernel[0]: USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 0x12d1 0x1f1c 0x102, 2
31/01/2016 20:08:32.000 kernel[0]: SAM Multimedia: READ or WRITE failed, SENSE_KEY = 0x05, ASC = 0x20, ASCQ = 0x00
31/01/2016 20:08:32.000 kernel[0]: SAM Multimedia: READ or WRITE failed, SENSE_KEY = 0x05, ASC = 0x20, ASCQ = 0x00
31/01/2016 20:08:32.000 kernel[0]: SAM Multimedia: READ or WRITE failed, SENSE_KEY = 0x05, ASC = 0x20, ASCQ = 0x00
31/01/2016 20:08:32.000 kernel[0]: SAM Multimedia: READ or WRITE failed, SENSE_KEY = 0x05, ASC = 0x20, ASCQ = 0x00
31/01/2016 20:08:32.000 kernel[0]: SAM Multimedia: READ or WRITE failed, SENSE_KEY = 0x05, ASC = 0x20, ASCQ = 0x00
31/01/2016 20:08:32.000 kernel[0]: disk2s0s2: alignment error.
31/01/2016 20:08:32.000 kernel[0]: hfs: mounted Vodafone Mobile Broadband on device disk2s0s2
31/01/2016 20:08:32.946 mds[61]: (Volume.Normal:2464) volume:0x7f857a86b800 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:1 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/Vodafone Mobile Broadband
31/01/2016 20:08:34.142 networkd[169]: -[NETClientConnection effectiveBundleID] using process name apsd as bundle ID (this is expected for daemons without bundle ID
31/01/2016 20:08:35.000 kernel[0]: hfs: unmount initiated on Vodafone Mobile Broadband on device disk2s0s2
31/01/2016 20:08:35.000 kernel[0]: IOUSBMassStorageDriverNub::DidWakeFromHibernationOrStandby - Device termination caused by a wake from hibernation or standby!
31/01/2016 20:08:37.169 configd[52]: [bootp_transmit.c:213] bootp_transmit(): bpf_write(en7) failed: Network is down (50)
31/01/2016 20:08:37.169 configd[52]: DHCP en7: INIT transmit failed
31/01/2016 20:08:37.608 launchservicesd[77]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22
31/01/2016 20:08:37.619 launchservicesd[77]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22
31/01/2016 20:08:37.961 airportd[58]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22
31/01/2016 20:08:37.961 airportd[58]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22
31/01/2016 20:08:40.210 launchservicesd[77]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22
31/01/2016 20:08:40.383 appleeventsd[51]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22
31/01/2016 20:08:40.000 kernel[0]: IGAccelDevice: IOUserClient outputCount count mismatch
31/01/2016 20:08:41.646 launchservicesd[77]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22
31/01/2016 20:08:42.643 launchservicesd[77]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22
31/01/2016 20:08:42.644 launchservicesd[77]: SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22
31/01/2016 20:09:05.142 networkd[169]: -[NETClientConnection effectiveBundleID] using process name apsd as bundle ID (this is expected for daemons without bundle ID
31/01/2016 20:09:36.559 networkd[169]: -[NETClientConnection effectiveBundleID] using process name apsd as bundle ID (this is expected for daemons without bundle ID
31/01/2016 20:09:36.561 networkd[169]: -[NETClientConnection effectiveBundleID] using process name apsd as bundle ID (this is expected for daemons without bundle ID
31/01/2016 20:09:46.332 Vodafone Mobile Broadband[1121]: IPSettingsCheckerAbort IPAdr <(null)>
31/01/2016 20:09:46.332 Vodafone Mobile Broadband[1121]: IPSettingsCheckerAbort Router <(null)>
dongle inserted.
Vodafone standard-last.log
2016-01-31 20:05:08.360: Version: (26034)
2016-01-31 20:05:10.845: OpCo Version: CreationDate: 2011-02-03T12:15:01
2016-01-31 20:05:10.845: Current selected Opco: <NSDictionary>:
<CCMNC> = 23415
<Country> = United Kingdom
<DisplayLocalNumber> = true
<Opco> = Vodafone UK
<Phone> = 7785016005
<PhonePrefix> = +44
<TrunkPrefix> = 0
2016-01-31 20:05:10.845: Default is Contract: YES
2016-01-31 20:05:11.328: Variant 7: OpCo also provides AirPort
2016-01-31 20:05:11.357: Installing StatusMenuBarItem Server
2016-01-31 20:06:16.531:
2016-01-31 20:06:16.533: ActionError Begin ----------------------------------------
2016-01-31 20:06:16.545: (1) date='2016-01-31 20:06:16 +0000'
2016-01-31 20:06:16.551: ActionClass: 'WebApiGroundInitAction'
2016-01-31 20:06:16.557: ErrorCode: 0xe00002bc <==> -536870212
2016-01-31 20:06:16.558: feedBackErrorTitle: '...'
2016-01-31 20:06:16.558: feedBackErrorString: 'Could not create network settings.'
2016-01-31 20:06:16.558: feedBackSuggestionString: 'Try restarting the application or your Mac.
If the problem persists, try deleting the preferences, or re-installing the application.'
2016-01-31 20:06:16.558: ErrorHandling: 2
2016-01-31 20:06:16.558: ActionError End ----------------------------------------
2016-01-31 20:06:16.559:
This message suggests the dongle storage was unmounted before it could be used
31/01/2016 20:08:35.000 kernel[0]: hfs: unmount initiated on Vodafone Mobile Broadband on device disk2s0s2