24-02-2017 10:10 AM
Post Title: 'First half of post code - Area' e.g. ST1 – Stoke-on-Trent
1) Does the issue happen in just one location? If so, how far do you have to travel to regain service? NO 3G OR 4G SIGNAL IN MY HOME HAVE TO GO INTO THE TOWN CENTRE TO GET 4G
2) What is the full postcode (e.g. ST1 1AA) of where the issue occurs? If you don't want this showing on the Community, add it to your profile here. SN2 2DH
3) Does the issue occur if you try your SIM card in a different phone? YES - TRIED IN MY TAB 4 TABLET AND GET THE SAME PROBLEM AND HOUSE MATE HAS THE SAME PROBLEM AS WELL
4) What errors are seen or heard when the issue occurs? NO SIGNAL I GET HSPDA IF I'M LUCKY
5) Does this happen on 2G, 3G, 4G or all? 3G AND 4G
6) When did you first notice this issue? 7 MONTHS AGO
7) Is the issue permanent or intermittent? If intermittent, are there certain times of the day when it occurs? PERMANENT
24-02-2017 11:10 AM
Firstly, HSDPA is 3G. There is some work going on in the area at the moment aswell. However, you should have very good signal outside your house certainly. Have you tried flipping airplane mode outside your house?
24-02-2017 11:22 AM
Nope still poor signal, if Vodafone are doing "work in the area" surely it would be prudent to let its users know??
24-02-2017 01:36 PM
Hi @Craig633
Vodafone provide the network checker here
For your postcode is shows.
We've fixed an issue in this area recently. Sorry if you noticed any disruption - things should have been back to normal since 10.20am 24 Feb 2017
To note it can take a few days for the masts to fully settle.
We've been doing some work on our 2G network in this area to keep things running smoothly. Sorry if you noticed any disruption. We were working between 11pm 23 Feb 2017 and 12am 24 Feb 2017.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁴ Ultra 512gb.
24-02-2017 03:14 PM
@Craig633 I can see we currently have planned maintence in your area, working on calls, texts and data.
This maintence is taking place between 21 February to 28 February.
Your indoor coverage can be affected by a number of factors such as the surrounding environment or your house/build type.
24-02-2017 03:25 PM
I got one bar signal indoors not impressed