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No 3g In Windsor Still!

4: Newbie
I have recently bought a 3g mobile broadband modem, i had 3g+ connection for the 1st 10 days or so but since the middle of last week i have only been able to get a gprs signal.
admittedly the 3g+ signal was never very strong. i went into a vodafone store yesterday and they informed me that the 3g was disabled in my area.
does anyone know how long it will be down for as gprs is very slow.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi Cocobean,

I can understand this situation being frustrating and would like to let you know that we are aware of the issue and it has been raised under fault reference;1832657.

Our engineers are currently investigating the issue and we aim to get the network fully up and running in your area as soon as possible.

eForum Team

4: Newbie
Hi James,

thats great thanks, is there any way i can keep track of progress using the fault code you have provided,
If not could someone please keep me up to date as it is still down ( thats coming up to a week now!!! )
much appreciated.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi Cocobean,

With the fault number, you can contact our cutomer services team directly who can use that to identify the fault and provide you with an update. It makes it much easier to locate the specific issue as there's no hunting for the relevant one.

I've checked for you and can see that this is still being worked on at the moment. I can't confirm a specific timescale, but I'm happy to keep this issue monitored for you and we'll up[date the thread as soon as we get an update. If you subscribe to this thread you'll get an alert when an update is posted.


eForum Team

4: Newbie
Hi there, me again.
Im sorry but this is getting ridiculous.
I still dont have a 3g signal, this has been over 2 weeks now!!!!!
could someone please tell me what is going on.
I bought a vodafone product because i beleived they provided a relaible good quality service. was i mistaken?
sorry but i'm starting to get very annoyed and if this isnt resolved promptly i will be joining many others as it seem's and go to another provider.
thanks again

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi cocobean

I completely appreciate how frustrating this is for you and I can understand how eager you are for this to be resolved.

I have just taken a look at this again for you and this is still being investigated. As I'm sure you can appreciate when a site goes down for whatever reason, it's not always a quick fix situation. Things like, access to the site, (Permission from landlord), waiting for parts to be ordered etc.

I just want to assure you that we are working as quickly as possible to get this resolved for you.


4: Newbie
Hi guys,

I was wondering if there was any progress yet?

Last night ( 13/5 ) I could not connect at all, I was hoping this was a result of the problem being sorted but i'm still not getting
anything better than a gprs signal.

I have noticed a £15 credit has been added to my account which is much appreciated, but i really would like a 3g+ signal again and
to not be cut off repeatedly.

I have e-mailed your customer services team but it takes them several days to respond and it was very vague when I did.

I can understand that these problems can take time to resolve but 3 weeks is a bit long!!!

thanks for all your help in this matter.


Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi cocobean,

I’m really sorry to report back, but there is no change in the situation at the moment.

I do understand that this has taken a long time so far, we are trying to get to the site I can’t really add anything to what Wayne has written, that pretty much sums up the situation at the moment.

Sorry for not being able to help.

eForum Team

Not applicable
Well you're lucky you had it previously. I wasn't expecting 3G at home in Henley, but I was expecting it at the Microsoft Campus where I've been working for a couple of weeks. In fact over the last 6 months I've never seen 3G at Microsoft at all.

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)
Hi blowdart.

I'm sorry to hear that you are unable to recieve 3G signal. If you pop the full postcode of the Campus we'll be able to check to see what the signal is like in that area and to see if there is any planned improvements in store :)



eForum Team