16-01-2018 07:52 PM
wondering if anyone can help as I'm getting no where quick with the online advisors, both chats tonight with conflicting advice.
Fibre broadband activated last Tuesday so it's been on a week and so far router speed hasn't gone over 36, out guranteed line speed is 73. One advisor said that a service call had been issued a few days ago due to slow speed and had I received a call, I said no. He said no worries I'll do some tests. He wanted me to take face plate off, so I unscrewed it but I couldn't get it off. After that line was disconnected to chat!!
Had to explain it all to a different advisor who who advised me to change channels and enable split something!
My my question is why get told my guaranteed line speed is 73 when most of the time I don't even get half that showing in the statistics. I know it takes a while to stabilise but surely they should be much higher already?
Sorry for the ramble feeling frustrated!
Stats below- I've noticed the FEC counter on upload is going up by 1000,s in seconds? Normal?
DSL Status
NAT Mapping Table
Diagnostic Utility
Event Log
DSL Status
This page shows the technical parameters of your DSL connection.
DSL Status
DSL Connection active
Bit rate
Downstream Upstream
Actual data rate 34999 (Kbps.) 19985 (Kbps.)
Operating data
Downstream Upstream
SNR Margin 4.6 dB 6.1 dB
Loop Attenuation 18.6 dB 23 dB
Error counter
Indicator name Downstream Upstream
FEC Corrections 43 5554722
CRC Error 13 6
Transmitted Frames Received Frames
Frame Counter 2242083 3699873
07-02-2018 05:01 PM
I'm disappointed to hear they've yet to contact you @Starling2015 and your speeds do need looking into.
I've sent you a Private Message on how you can get in touch with our team directly, so we can look into this with you.
07-02-2018 05:16 PM
Thanks for the reply Dane, I chatted to online support again this morning who has opened a ticket for Tech 2 as they had closed the previous one.
Router has been disconnecting on and off all day today even happened when we’re out and no one at home! Router sync speed is actually the best it’s been since activation but yep the evening speeds are dreadful. I tried to do the openreach wholesale speed test today but for some reason it wouldn’t let me proceed to further diagnostics. I’ll try again during ‘peak’ times and see if it is any different.
my son has gone on a school trip today so that gives me some respite of his constant moaning about the connection.
07-02-2018 06:15 PM
I find the speed test quite interesting.
It shows that single thread performance can be very poor, where as if you use it hammers the connection with multiple threads and generally offers up an apparently better figure. Obviously that better figure is only any good if you are say torrenting, or have multiple downloads running concurrently. A single large download/stream would top out at the speed of the single thread test.
29-01-2018 05:10 PM
I spoke today with live chat and was told the 73mb minimum was a mistake and that my speed is more likely to be what your getting, not singned up so maybe i had a lucky escape, roll on 2020 and 5G and mega speeds