27-09-2016 02:08 PM
As the global recall of the Galaxy Note 7 continues, the problems for Samsung seem to show no signs of abating.
The replacement devices that have been offered have left users complaining about accelerated battery drainage and problems with charging.
The latest news comes via YTN a TV network in South Korea, as reported by the Wall Street Journal, where the replacement program started last week. Samsung has claimed that the issues are not battery related although the company was “looking closely into the reports”.
However, some of the most recent issues seemed to confirm that this was not actually the case, with one Note 7 owner claimed that his replacement device was now draining battery abnormally fast.
Others complained the replacement Note 7’s would not charge up properly and gained just 10 percent battery power after a full night on charge.
YTN conducted their own tests and also found further problems with the replacement batteries. One test found that the phone went from 75 percent charge to to 49 percent in only 39 minutes.
The news is yet another blow for Samsung who are trying to recover from the less than successful launch of the Galaxy Note 7.
The recall has occurred as it has been found that the lithium batteries can spontaneously explode or catch fire.
Source: ThaiRath