07-04-2015 09:08 PM
Is anyone else having issues with their Note Edge dropping losing signal randomly?
Mine will lose the network of and on throughout the day. Particularly when hanging up a call, the phone will lose the network and require either a switch to flight mode and back (works about 50% of the time) or turn off an on again.
It also seems to happen if I am traversing what I imagine to be different masts or areas of coverage, I.E in a car between towns etc.
This is starting to really annoy me now as some days my phone can spend as much time off network as on it - it is costing my business money.
I have had a new sim and done soft/hard resets, updates etc.
It seems some Note Edge users in the US are experiencing the exact same issue, is Vodafone aware of this common problem?
10-04-2015 10:14 AM
Hi @gonzopete
Thanks for your post, this isn't something that I'm aware of.
We'll need to send your phone off for repair, to see what's happening.
Take a look here for more info on your repair procedure.