15-03-2017 05:58 AM
Hi @scaifea
The best way is via 191.
Live Chat is another option but they may refer you to Customer Services by phone or transfer you.
I find the best times to call are on a weekday between 9am and 5pm.
Link > Vodafone and Cancelling an Account.
Tip > Ensure you use the supplied PAC Code by giving it to your new network within its first 30 days of issue or you'll need to request a fresh one.
Tip > Please consider not cancelling the Direct Debit until Vodafone have taken any final payment(s) and if applicable applied any Refunds. They'll post your final bill to you in 2-4 weeks.
And don't cancel the DD until you have received the final bill by post, paid by Direct Debit and a £0 bill and Sorry Your Leaving Letter has been received that confirms the account is closed. (Please retain this paperwork)
Tip > If your phones locked to Vodafone then perhaps have it unlocked to be able to use it on your new network. Link > Unlocking Form.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.