27-04-2015 03:30 PM
I am absolutely fed up with my Sure Signal. It has a connection to the Vodafone server. I have a 100mbps internet service via fibre optic cable (Virgin Media) which has been tested to show more than plenty of bandwidth for video telephony let alone a basic voice call. I get a full strangth connection to the Not So Sure Signal device yet the call quality is utterly useless. It is intermittent and one can't even have a basic conversation. There's clearly a massive latency or similar issue. I have tested the latency of my Internet service and the problem isn't there. It must be Vodafone's servers. Anyone know the server address to do a Traceroute test? I'm about to switch to O2 - at least then I won't need the booster at all!!!!
27-04-2015 03:51 PM
Speedtest from my Mac:
Ping 27ms
Downstream: 70Mbps
Upstream: 4.45Mbps
The Sure Signal is connected to the same network in the same fashion as my Mac. So no excuses regarding lack of local network or Internet bandwidth.
I did a Traceroute to See results below. I have run this several times with similar results. Hop 8 is always showing high latency.
Steves-Mac-Pro:~ steve$ traceroute
traceroute: Warning: has multiple addresses; using
traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
1 ( 20.099 ms 20.194 ms 20.084 ms
2 ( 20.482 ms 19.824 ms 21.938 ms
3 * * *
4 * * *
5 ( 11.551 ms 22.131 ms 10.619 ms
6 ( 11.938 ms 16.069 ms 12.746 ms
7 ( 14.809 ms 16.368 ms 17.698 ms
8 ( 15.104 ms 13.954 ms 208.149 ms
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Steves-Mac-Pro:~ steve$
Facetime or Skype video calling works very well but a simple voice call over Vodafone sucks beyond belief.
29-04-2015 03:04 PM
Hello @stevekale
Thanks for that information.
Please let me know your Sure Signal serial number, and we'll look into it further.
29-04-2015 04:40 PM
It appeared to be fine yesterday. Not sure about today. It's a latency issue in your network. Issues that keep on repeating. Extraordinarily frustrating.
30-04-2015 09:53 AM
Hi @stevekale
Everything seems fine from what you've posted. I can see the high latency issue at hop 8, can you confirm if you're using multiple devices through the connection?
Try turning all other devices off to see if this helps the connection.
30-04-2015 11:05 AM
It's NOT fine - else I would not have gone to the trouble of complaining. It IS repeatedly useless. This morning all lights were orange indicating a failure to connect to your server end. They are now white again. But white lights (3 when a mobile phone is connected to and using the Sure Signal) is no indication of satisfactory voice quality - voice quality, about as eay as it gets.
The high latency hop is in Arcor's aka Vodafone's network.
You can see from the traceroute that the latency is not in my household network. (Which constitutes merely a direct ethernet connection to a powerline adaptor with my Virgin Media router connected via the same. These indicate a local bandwidth of well in excess of 100Mbps with the adaptors spec'd to up to 500Mbps.) From time to time, various devices are attached to the domestic network and, obviously, share the main Virgin Media Internet connection: one computer, at various points in time several iPads/iPhones and one Apple TV. Of course, Virgin Media also send their cable TV service over the same pipe but we have fibre to the curb here. Turning everything off makes no difference (as expected).
The issue is dropped packets/latency - voice in either direction is intermittent with neither side being able to hear properly due to gaps in transmission. You should be able to identify my address. There is a massive hole in your 3G network in this area which forces us to endeavour to use a Sure Signal (you'd think we were in a rural area rather than the centre of London). But it doesn't work with any semblance of reliability. (And your 4G service is just as bad here and so not worth paying for.) You can't conduct a voice call with that sort of latency in your fixed line network.
30-04-2015 11:10 AM - edited 30-04-2015 11:10 AM
Latency in hop 8 gone. Call quality over Sure Signal fine. Fix/maintain your network.
Steves-Mac-Pro:~ steve$ traceroute
traceroute: Warning: has multiple addresses; using
traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
1 ( 9.168 ms 9.982 ms 9.003 ms
2 ( 10.505 ms 17.660 ms 10.127 ms
3 * * *
4 * * *
5 ( 15.605 ms 14.704 ms 28.014 ms
6 * * *
7 ( 17.314 ms 29.773 ms 17.026 ms
8 ( 19.642 ms 21.708 ms 19.478 ms
9 * * *
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11 * * *
02-05-2015 09:33 PM
Down completely this evening....
03-05-2015 12:02 PM
Hi @stevekale
We'll need access to your account to troubleshoot further.
Please come and speak to us on Live help.
03-05-2015 04:52 PM
Hop 8 latency bad again and can't have a voice call in which the patties can understand each other!
Last login: Sun May 3 16:45:41 on ttys000
Steves-Mac-Pro:~ steve$ traceroute
traceroute: Warning: has multiple addresses; using
traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
1 ( 57.165 ms 26.909 ms 15.918 ms
2 ( 27.034 ms 19.077 ms 17.187 ms
3 * * *
4 * * *
5 ( 16.182 ms * 39.908 ms
6 ( 18.568 ms 17.365 ms 16.783 ms
7 ( 19.907 ms 17.169 ms 24.200 ms
8 ( 158.211 ms 19.956 ms 19.120 ms
9 * * *
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