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SureSignal 3 bandwidth requirements

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

The Vodafone forum guidance is misleading, the forum advice claims SS3's requires a slightly higher speed that earlier versions 1 & 2, when in fact it needs more than 4 times the download bandwidth, just to handle 1 call. For 1 to 8 calls SS3's requires a minimum of 4.13Mbps Download and a minimum of 1.5Mbps Upload speed.The forum also suggests that to have 8 calls running at the onetime you will need 4.13 down when in fact this is the minimum you will need even for just the 1 call. Vodafone should make this fact clear in sales literature. This bandwidth requirement calls into question the viability of the SS boosters in rural locations where ADSL speeds and mobile coverage are generally poor.


16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

Hi there


As far as I am aware, the info here is correct - the Sure Signal 3 needs a minimum upload and download speed of 1Mbps.  If you are wanting to connect 8 devices you need at least 4.13Mbps to do so.


Remember that other devices connected to the network will reduce the amount of bandwidth available to the SureSignal so this could be having an impact on it's performance. 


After taking a call from a VGE6 team member I was put through to Technical support, the Vodafone technician advised this morning that the minimum for a SS3 to work was 4.13Mbps down for 1 or 8 calls and between 1.0 - 1.5Mbps Up.  I have attached a snip from the forum that I highlighted and sent to VGE7 yesterday to question the info being provided on the  bandwidth requirements. Quite clear that there is confusion about the bandwidth requirements.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

I will get this raised and looked into.


There are no other devices connected to the router and wireless is switched off on the router, we have 7Mbps down and 0.8Mbps Up. SS2 device was working OK until it went faulty, however with the SS3 we are experiencing issues. ADSL is not really suitable for use with SS3 in my opinion. ADSL2 will still struggle, Fibre ADSL is really the only suitabel product, however where mobile signal needs a boost, fibre adsl tends not to be available.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

@UPM the only reason there is a difference in the requirements for the VSS3 is due to the fact it can support up to 8 simultanious calls. The previous version could only support half that. For a single call the bandwidth requirements are the same.


Regarding the technology in use, the VSS will work fine on ADSL, ADSL2, ADSL2+ and VDSL (Fibre), mine has worked perfectly on all these connection types as I have upgraded my internet connection at home over the years.

@UPM wrote:

 Fibre ADSL is really the only suitabel product, however where mobile signal needs a boost, fibre adsl tends not to be available.

This isn't quite true, I have had VDSL on my line for the past couple years but still have no/very patchy Vodafone coverage at home.


Looking at the speeds you posted it looks like your upload is a little on the low side, this is probably your issue to be honest. Through all the iterations of VSS i've used i've always had at least 1Mbps. It may be worth speaking to your ISP about what they can do to increase your line speed. Sometimes they can just rest the line at their end and you get a small bump in performance.

Just out of interest who is your internet provider?

You may have the luxury of ADSL2 in your area, we do not.

We now suspect the upload speed is on the low side @ our office where we have 25 people working and several will be on mobile calls at the same time. Our ISP is Eclipse (excellent provider), lines have been checked, SNR has been reprofiled.

Fibre will be the solution.

The main issue is the confusion within Vodafone about the requirements for Down & Up speeds on SS devices, mixed replies to this post just show that we cannot be confident about the advise coming from Vodafone. Plus to suggest a slight increase in download speed will be required for the SS3, is misleading/annoying. I do not usually criticise a supplier, but when its a core product for Vodafone and we cannot get info we can trust there is something wrong.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

Even after upgrading to ADSL2+ we got a pretty poor 4Down/1Up connection, Fibre has bumped that to 20down/4Up so it's acceptable now. Being right at the end of the copper on the further away cabinet really sucks! 


Sounds like your ISP has done all they can so there isn't any improvements to come from that side. 


The only documentation i'm aware of that states the bandwidth requirement is the Support Site artilce (the same one you screen grabbed) which states the minimum 1Mbps which rises to 4.13Mbps as you reach the maximum number of users.


I'm a customer just like yourself so that unfortunately means I don't have anything other than the Support Site and my own personal experiences with VSS. I can understand and agree with you that the requirements are not as clearly defined as they could be. @drey_p has already raised directly with Vodafone for you so we will hopefully get some clarification from him shortly.

Community Manager
Community Manager



We advise the VSS3 has a minimum download speed od 4.13mbps as this allows the device to work to it's full capacity.

As for your current problem, I'm not Sure what your companies customer service team have already covered on your call or webchat, so do forgive me if I'm repeating information that's already covered. Please take a look at our Sure Signal Troubleshooting thread. If this doesn’t resolve your query, please post your reply either below, or in the relevant thread, together with the details requested, including the following information.

Your speed test results from here.

Your ping test results from here.

Your external IP address from here.

The results of a traceroute.


Your Sure Signal serial number:


VSS Traceroute command

On a PC:

Click on Start and select Run

Type CMD into the Run box and press enter/click ok

A black box will appear.

In this box type tracert press Enter

Paste the output of this command into your reply.

This will help us get the quickest possible resolution for you.


Hi Mark,Over 3 speed tests

Speed is 6.8 Down & 0.36 Up average

Ping 54 ms average

Sure signal serial# 42144725886

Traceroute results attached.

I do not yet have the external IP address.