19-11-2012 02:24 PM
Can anyone tell my why the "Users" light is steady on with my suresignal V2 when no phones are being used ?
Says in the manual it is "white" when there is one or more active users.
Just wondered
19-11-2012 02:57 PM
Hi pappin,
Mine's the same. I've deliberately powered the phone down to see what happens and the Service (white) light stays illuminated.
19-11-2012 06:57 PM
Can you take a look at our Sure Signal Troubleshooting thread, and then post back your results if you’re not directed to an existing thread?
eForum Team
19-11-2012 08:09 PM
Hello Matt,
I had already looked at the troubleshooting before I posted and couldn't find anything relevant.
The suresignal seems to be working fine - I just wondered why it was showing one or more active users when there were no phones being used.
20-11-2012 07:44 AM
Just to be clear (which I wasn't entirely), I just regard it as a characteristic rather than a fault.
20-11-2012 06:48 PM
Hi pappin,
The right hand light is lit if there is any type of connection taking place, so this can include calls or internet connections. If you have an app running in the background which is using the 3G connection the Sure Signal provides for updates or push notifications then this would have the same effect as making a call.
Don't worry, only users whose numbers you have registered can connect to your Sure Signal, so it’s not like anyone else would be using it to connect to your Sure Signal connection.