21-07-2017 01:37 AM
I purchaced my phone on pre order, it is an iphone 6s so i got it in setember 2015 which should mean that the 24 month contract should end in spetember 2017 but its saying i cant upgrade untill jan 2018, I don't understand why this is? thats longer then the 24 months I have signed up for, I haven't had a conract change so obviously I thought I'd be able to upgrade before september with early upgrade. Why is it saying it's 4 moths after the 24 moths are up?
21-07-2017 05:41 AM
Hi @BethMiller
I would suggest to call Customer Services on 191 and ask them to access your account where they'll be able to check what the early upgrade date is and also what the Contract end date is for you.
Live Chat is another way to contact Customer Services too.
Current Phone >
Samsung Galaxy s²⁴ Ultra 512gb.
21-07-2017 06:19 AM
Hi @BethMiller have you perhaps upgraded early in the past as this may have been carried over? If not do as @BandOfBrothers suggests and contact CS for clarification.