18-07-2013 06:17 PM
I've been trying to get my sure signal 3 going for a while and wondered if a resync might clear the problem.
The unit is showing a solid red power light, solid internet light and solid service light.
The phone light is not lit at all. From the description it say's it will be solid white 'in use'.
Does that mean it lights up on a call or when a phone is attached to the sure signal or should it be lit regardless of if the phone is attached or not?
I've registered a phone (iphone) a while ago and it doesn't seem to be able to 'see' the sure signal.
The sure signal number is 40124120052
Please can you also check that the mobile ending in 2562 is still registered.
I'm unable to do this myself as everytime I now try to login I'm greeted with the 'Unable to render /frameworks/skeletons/vodafone/Default/head.jsp' error - despite clearing of cookies, caches etc and trying different computers, browsers etc.
Best wishes.
19-07-2013 12:47 PM
Hi graham5656,
Everything looks fine with the registration and it did contact the server last night.
The light sequence is fine and I can see that you have two numbers, including the 2562 number attached to the Sure Signal.
Are both of the numbers iPhones?
Do any of the phones pick up good 3G signal?
The phone light will stay off until a call is in progress.
19-07-2013 02:34 PM
Hi James,
Thank you for answering so promptly and clarifying the operation of the Phone light.
The second phone isn't an iPhone but it's currently not 3g either so not much use in this instance.
Now you have confirmed that the unit is working and everything is registered correctly I will go down the iPhone trouble shooting route.
kind regards.