16-07-2010 06:00 PM
16-07-2010 11:15 PM
I have a PAYG Wifi Dongle. It is described as Vodafone K3565 Refresh made by Huawei Technologies. The serial number on the box is FCC ID: QISK3565
It does not say anywhere on the box whether it is a 1GB dongle or a 3GB dongle. I do not want to open the security seal and find that it is a 3GB version when I wanted a 1GB version.
If it is 1GB does anyone know if all 1GB versions are the ones with an unexpiring top up? Or if the top up for this version expires after 30 days. Many thanks.
17-07-2010 03:16 AM
17-07-2010 07:24 AM
The K3565R is 3gb for 30 days dongle, the K3565 is 1gb non expiring, (180 days).