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Vodafone has destroyed my credit profile

2: Seeker
2: Seeker

I am beside myself and do not know what to do.  Its 2,30 a,m. and I am so worried.  We want to move and this evening applied for a mortgage in principle.  After a big fat no, I went to check what the heck was wrong only to find that VF has told Experian I am a "deliquent" and owe them £35.  


I had a £10 card for my Ipad, never made a VF call in my life.  When I changed banks, they did not take the DD from the new account.  We went through a whole rigmarole that I will not bore you with save to state that the Ombudsman got involved, fined VF £50, told them to send me an apology and after 40+ emails, I thought the matter closed.  I never reecived my £50 - they applied it to some fictional bill, but I really didn;t care.  They had cut off my service for over 12 months anyway.  I was finally told in Sept that they had closed the account.  Now, I go on to Experian and am told the account is live in deliquent status and my credit rating is through the floor.  


This seems to be such a common problem - how can VF do this to customers?  Can anyone tell me where I ca ngo for help?  VF has ben so nasty and unhelpful for so long, I thought I had done with it.  Now I may lose my dream home that we have just found because of their errors, the errors that the FO made them apologise for.


I really am at my wits end.



17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

It’s not surprising your at your wits end @RBJW4 especialky if you considered the matter closed and resolved. 

Vodafone isn’t required to let a person know if they’ve applied a Default that lasts 6 years, which status changes from Outstanding to Settled once paid but still remains on the Credit File for 6 years but a default Only remains if 100% warranted. 

Experian themselves will be able to help you.

There is also a Vodafone Social Media Team here who read all posts so perhaps give them sometime to reach yours. 

Some information in > Default-on-your-Credit-File-How-to-add-a-Notice-of-Correction.


Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



THANKS - already been on hold for 35 mins trying to get through to them and of course, can't get anyone.  I cannot believe that now I have started to look at this, just how much Vodafone seem to abuse their powers in this area,  So many people are affected, just so many.  Vodafone has been on Watchdog, has had a massive fine and has treated customers so badly.  I really am in a state of shock.


If the Team to which you refer don;t come back to me, I will have to go to the Ombudsman for further help.  This is the first and last time I have ever taken out a SIM card with anyone.


I really appreciate your replying.

17: Community Champion
17: Community Champion

You're very welcome @RBJW4

Its a small team here so please do allow them time to catch up. 

In regards to ringing customer service my advice is to do this on a Weekday as all the departments will be fully staffed. 

Current Phone  >

Samsung Galaxy s²⁵ Ultra 512gb.



Not applicable

Do please let us know what transpires with this. On the surface it looks as though Vodafone have wilfully disregarded the Ombudsman twice, which should put them in  line for a much larger fine - but with the glacial pace at which these things move, and the Ombudsman's penchant for favouring the  company, who knows what will happen in the end. 

THANKS - I really do appreciate these replies.  I phned VF this morning and got through to someone and then was cut off.  But before she cut me off, she did confirm that they had fully closed the account at their end as it was inactive with no payments therefore due.  So, that's as far as we got before she cut me off and then, I could not get through again, so I will have to try again tomorrow.


I will be going back to the FO as well - people have had to trouble their MPs and all sorts, there are articles in the Guardian, people have been so adversely affected.  I spent an hour on the phone with VF in October, I was told my account was closed, not that a single payment was due.  Now this.  If there was a payment due, surely VF had a duty to advise me in October, when I was on the phone for an hour.  


I wil keep everyone advised, but I am not letting this one go.  Its too important for me and for other people who are also so affected.


Best and thanks again.

16: Advanced member
16: Advanced member

I think this issue is probably bigger than something that could be dealt with at first point of contact and requires someone to case manage to resolution.

I'd either log this issue at or allow one of the team here to get in touch.

Good luck 🙂

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@RBJW4 I'm sorry to see what's happened - I appreciate how upsetting this must be.
We'd love to investigate your account in more depth. I've sent you a private message with details on how to get in touch with our specialist team.

If I click "here" nothing happens.  Its not underlined or anything.  Thanks for the PM though, but there is no link.


Regards, Rowena

Moderator (Retired)
Moderator (Retired)

@RBJW4 I've responded to your other post regarding this.